Sunday, August 24, 2008

I own it.

Warning: I will use the c%#p word 8 times in this post. Warn your children not to read this.

It was about a year and a half ago that I started throwing around the axiom "own your crap." Recently, I've been reminded of how important this is.

The fact is, we've all got crap. I have got the feeling I have more than most, but less than some. It tells people where to go, what to do. It convinces them to make the same disasterous decisions, again and again. It holds them back from taking chances. It forces them to stay in bad relationships, and sabotage good ones. Most people are owned by their crap.

Owning your crap is the difference between those who are self aware, spiritually mature, relationally mature, self confident, graceful, faithful, humble and gentle from the rest of us. Knowing what your crap is, where it comes from, how it affects you, and how to counteract it is what allows them to sleep at night.

Owning your crap is not the same as having resolved your issues and having gotten rid of your baggage. But it is a step that gives incredible freedom.

I did something the other day that I am pretty sure was a bad idea. I chose to do it, knowing it was probably a bad idea, but also because it's my crap. I gave myself the permission to feel a certain way, say certain things and prepare for the consequences, because my crap isn't going to go away. But I can own it.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Nice. I love this. A couple years ago I learned this lesson through the wonderful refining fire of an ended relationship. I'm all about people taking the hard road to man up, stare their junk in the face and say "Yep. That's me right now." Thanks for blogging on this!