Sunday, August 17, 2008


There are some things that have changed about my life, and especially the way I "do church" over the last few years. But I'm blown away by how the simple, core things, remain the same.

On Friday night, I had a group of people over. We ate hamburgers, then we sat around and sang songs to God. This is the kind of thing we always did in the churches I grew up in. We called them "devos." Some of my best memories are of sitting around with my friends in someone's house, and my friends could sing, and we'd sing for what seemed like forever. Then we'd eat. Girls bring snacks, boys bring drinks.

I don't know when I stopped doing devos. Maybe we think that after high school or college we are too grown up for that kind of thing.But Friday night reminded me that true community can happen in the simplest things. Sitting around, singing songs, reading scripture, digesting what we've just feasted on, praying for one another.

How could you ever outgrow that?

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