Monday, March 10, 2008

How do you measure personal growth?

Do you ever find yourself in a situation that is remarkably similar to one you've been in before? You have a conversation, it seems, for the second time, or hundredth time, only the person you're having it with has changed? You find yourself dealing with the same struggle again and again.

What's the difference? How do you know if you've grown, changed? Where's the line between "here we go again" and "this time it's different"?

I find myself struggling in all arenas of life with this, whether it's work, school, roommates, relationships, family. There seems to be only a few struggles I have, and I repeat them again and again.

Does this mean I'm being given another chance? Or does it just mean I keep getting myself into these situations.

1 comment:

Jeff Cole said...

Maybe you know you've grown when you tackle old problems in new ways... and/or for different reasons. Tab and I still wrestle with how to make God the foundation of our family. We've tried different practices in the past. They usually flop like a new year's resolution. But in a way I can't quite explain, we've felt God pricking our hearts to strive for a deeper relationship with him - individually and as a family. I'm determined that it WILL be different this time.