Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Twitter: Seth Godin convinced me.

I'm finally giving Twitter a try. I have to admit, I've been skeptical. The thought of following people in that detail makes reading a blog about someone's breakfast seem exciting.

Recently, someone asked me if I thought we were better or worse off with Social Networking. My answer is that Social Networking is neither good nor bad. But it is an expression of our times.

I believe that many of the unique social aspects of our culture, everything from Starbucks to Gangs can trace their lineage to the breakdown of traditional families and communities. Out in the suburbs, we're starved for meaningful relationships. Social Networking technology helps fill that gap.

In Seth Godin's new book, Tribes, ($.95 on iTunes) he talks a lot about Facebook, Twitter and other networks. He told the story of a guy at South By Southwest who found an empty bar and sent out a twitter to a few friends. In less than an hour, there was a line out the door.

Social Networking is here. Twitter is here. I guess I'll embrace it.
Follow me at twitter.com/chrismorton82.

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