Monday, January 12, 2009

What Are You Good At?

It's a question I've been getting a lot lately, and I've been surprised that it's often hard to come up with an answer. Knowing the answer is an essential step to knowing who you are, and who you are not. Which is a key toward pretty much everything else, such as finding the right job, right spouse, growing as an individual. Not to mention, it just makes you feel good, when you know you do things well.

The things we are good at come so naturally that we don't think about them. Little do we know, others are watching over our shoulders, thinking "how does he do it?!" To be good at something means:
  • You've done it a lot.
  • You enjoy doing it so much, you are willing to work at it.
  • Others recognize that you do it well.

The last part is the key. Something you like to do, but others do not recognize that you do it well, is more likely a hobby.

Here's some questions I've reflected on to figure out what I'm good at:

  1. What did you naturally do when you were a kid?
  2. When you have free time, what is it that you want to do?
  3. What tasks at work or among your friends always get delegated to you?
  4. What have been your biggest successes?
  5. What do other people say you are good at?
My answers include: Writing, making new friends, teaching, singing, and various creative endeavors. What are you good at?

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