Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What does your church do well?

In my current church, we've got some limitations based on our organizational structure. One area we are not limited in is creating a setting. The first time I walked in as a visitor, I said to myself "this is a place of peace." The room is dark and candle lit. While we have chairs, we also have round tables and couches. When you walk in, you go through our coffee car, and then into the worship center. The purpose of all of this is to make someone, especially those with little, or bad church experience, feel at home.

Good to Great taught us the importance of determining what it is that you can be best in the world at. Do you have great worship leaders? Great small groups? The best Sunday school teacher in the world? A passion for the at-risk students in your neighborhood? A unique demographic?

For us, we are the best in the world at creating a setting. What is it for you?

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