Monday, January 19, 2009

My Big News!

On Sunday, we announced that at the end of January, my time at Journey Fellowship will be ending. Over the last two years, I have been incredibly blessed to serve with an incredible team, and watch God grow a church.

I could go on and on about the huge things that have gone on in my time at JF. Good times with the high schoolers, two Church Has Left the Building events and the Sunday Night gathering, just to name a few. We tried a lot of new things. Some worked better than others. But I truly believe, that in it all, God was glorified.

Of all the big things over the last two year, the most important is what God has done in me. When I came to Journey, I was broken down and depressed. I was surrounded by people who believed in me, supported me, and comforted me. At the same time, I was humbled by successes that were beyond my power, and failures that resulted from my pride. My time at Journey has rebuilt me, shown me what I'm good at, and prepared me for what God has next.

Many of you are probably wondering what's next. Well, so am I. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Taylor and Frankie Rodriguez said...

yep...the office is definitely different without you there...can't say that its a good different either...though looking forward to hearing the stories of where your journey takes you next!