Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Taking Chances

The other day my good friend James Holston called me out on something I really needed to hear. He pointed out the irony that I was willing to call out powerful people on things I disagreed with them about, yet I was unwilling to tell a girl how special she is.

I'm generally pretty good at taking chances. I like to try new things. I'd rather have different than boring. I've moved across the country, taken on jobs I'm underqualified for, and have ambitious, and scary goals.

Yet despite this, I find it very hard to take chances in relationships. I'd rather keep the peace than point out to someone that I disagree with their politics. I choose to hate people for the successes they have, rather than getting to know them and learn from them. And girls? Well, lets just say I tend to date the ones I know won't say no.

No bow on this one, no moral to the blog post. Just reflecting on the fact that the arenas of life which I struggle the most to take chances in are the ones that are most worthwhile.

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