Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mission vs. Materialism

Materialism and Christmas have become synonymous. A holiday that was meant to represent Heaven crashing into Earth, has become about self-centered spending. Today I got an email encouraging me to protest against the Gap using the word "Christmas" in their advertising. Quite frankly, I'm glad to hear that there is one less place where the name Christ is not synonymous with buying stuff.

Here at Journey, we're doing what we can to help the High School Students "Think Outside the Box," think about Christmas in non-materialistic ways. We started off with a lesson on the Parable of the Talents. Having discussed the parable, we looked at global poverty statistics. At the end of the lesson, the kids were each given $5, and encouraged to do something about it. We'll spend the rest of the year discussing different issues, like what God thinks about Sex Trafficking, the AIDS crisis and local San Antonio orphans. At the end of the series, we'll collect the money, and find a way to actually do something about the problems mentioned.

That, my friends, so much more than the right word on an advertisement, makes for a Merry Christmas.

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