Sunday, June 29, 2008

The New Normal

I've begun refering to a number of things I encounter as "The New Normal." Whether I like them or not, whether they fit my morals or my ideas of how things should be, there are more and more things in this world that I just have to accept as part of everyday life.

The new normal:

-More and more kids graduate high school only to stay at home for years to come. For me this is unimaginable. Getting out on my own was a key part of figuring out who I am and how I will serve God with my life. But for the average teenager, life doesn't really change at 18, or 20, or 24.
-The average age of marriage is now 26. The necessity of an undergraduate degree as well as access to jobs, not to mention, contraceptives, have pushed off our need for marriage. That means we have 10-15 years of sexual potency that is not being released within marriage. That's a long time to wait.
-Internet Dating. I'll admit it. I gave it a try. Wasn't all bad. It still has an air of desperation, but it's increasingly accepted.
-Choosing Churches based on their stance on homosexuality. New Barna research shows how changes in attitudes are shaping peoples view on the church. Although it's been something that the mainline churches have wrestled with, this will push it into serious conversation in the Evangelical realm.
-Co-Habitation. Part of the reason the average age of marriage is so high is because of the acceptance of cohabitation. Meeting a married young couple outside of church is pretty rare for me these days. Many of the girls I meet, even at church, have lived with a guy for a period of time. I realize God is a God of grace, but I sometimes feel a little disappointed when I look at my options.
-Bike Riding. Two of my co-workers bike to the office 3-4 times a week due to $4 gas. I live across the street. So I haven't gotten that far yet.
-Christian Democrats. I really was hoping that my generation would shed their predecessor's love for aligning with a political party and we would have more of what Shane Claibourne calls "political misfits." Unfortunately, rockstar Barack Obama seems to be drawing them in. Not ready to call him the new Falwell, but we'll see.

1 comment:

Taylor and Frankie Rodriguez said...

Bike riding is definitely coming back in. I thought about it, but then I'd have to buy a bike. :(