Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fun with Rehash

I've spent a lot of time complaining about the lack of cultural opportunities in San Antonio. That's why I tried REALLY HARD to go see tonight's screening of Oscar Nominated Shorts. I got there to find out it had sold out this afternoon. Apparently, there are a lot of old people in San Antonio that also listen to NPR, who, unlike me, plan ahead of time.

So, instead of Peter and the Wolf, I ended up watching yet another summer action blockbuster, the wonderful rehash Wanted. Take three parts Matrix, one part Star Wars, and throw in a little Spider-Man for flavor, and you get Wanted. This "young boy discovers he has super powers" action drama is driven by special effects that make the Wachowski Brothers wish they could be dead and spinning in their graves.

The high point of the film is Angelina, who continues to suffer from being too pretty to be recognized as the actress she could be. I've gone out of my way to avoid her past action flicks, but as a supporting character, she adds a kind of classiness the film that Trinity could never pull off.

My favorite moment of the movie is the climax of the monologue, ripped almost directly from the first Spiderman movie. However, unlike the self importance that even the webslinger can't avoid, this monologue makes it clear that Wanted just meant to be fun.

And that it is.

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