Wednesday, December 31, 2008

28 things that happened in 2008

  1. Moved in with Trevor and William
  2. Fell for a girl when she told me that God had given her a dream about us.
  3. Did a lot of Swing Dancing.  
  4. Wrote a script for a short film.
  5. Was used by God to pull off two HUGE service projects with hundreds of people.
  6. Hosted a few parties.
  7. Grew really close with my small group.
  8. Stayed in touch with people from college.
  9. Reconnected with a friend from High School.
  10. Voted in the Presidential election.
  11. Started Twittering.
  12. Said goodbye to William, one of my best roommates yet.
  13. Learned to judge by fruit instead of potential.
  14. Baptized a few people.
  15. Started running.  
  16. Gave up on gaining muscle with a high protein diet.
  17. Watched Battlestar, How I Met Your Mother, Veronica Mars, Lost.
  18. Had a party to celebrate BATMAN!
  19. Read a few books.
  20. Listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts.
  21. Got my heart broken.
  22. Learned that being right isn't all that great.
  23. Saw how I hurt people.
  24. Had a few sexy haircuts.
  25. Ate a lot of Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wraps.
  26. Went to a lot of counseling sessions
  27. Made on-line contact with people who's work I respect.
  28. Wrote in a journal everyday for four months straight.

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