Monday, November 3, 2008

Making sense of the last ten days or so

I am determined to gather life and leadership lessons from the funk I'm stuck in:

I recently held an event meant to give people a place to bring their non-christian friends. It went off well, except that the 30 people I invited were nowhere to be found. Sharing my frustration, many people noted that they wanted to experience the event before inviting their friends. Lesson: Just making the environment is not enough, you must also help people trust and appreciate it.

I've heard ministers refer to people as "extra grace required." I've had to deal with a lot of that recently. My immediate desire is to box them in, so they can cause as little damage as possible. The problem with that strategy is that it leaves no room for grace.

Another event I was a part of did not go too well. Once I got over my initial anger, I went back and apologized to the organizer, a young leader whom I unfairly gave totally responsibility. I realize now that I threw this person out to drown. It reminds me of the first leadership axiom I was ever taught: Don't expect what you don't inspect.

Finally, I was reminded again of the importance of communication. Rather than talk about a problem, I often let it fester deep within me. This keeps me from having meaningful relationships, and turns me into a bitter person. Just talk about it.

What have you learned lately?

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